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Council Meeting – 4th September 2023







4 members of the public were present.

Alex Pope and Louise de Menthon of Church View, Tangley came to inform the parish council about their planning application to convert the building on the land opposite their house into a residential property.  Although work has already been done internally to the building, they told us that this comes within permitted development rights.  The building is not currently suitable for residential use and not within a settlement boundary, but it is an existing building which the owners have stated will be for their own personal use. They have carried out a viability assessment prior to submitting their planning application. Louise is a yoga teacher so will use part of the building for private yoga sessions. There have been no objections from neighbours.



Charles Haswell (Chairman), Nigel Bull (Vice-Chairman), Tim Strong and Alex Raworth were present.  The Clerk was in attendance.



There were apologies from Catherine Morton, Rebecca Lawrence, Matt Nicol, Cllr Phil North (TVBC) and Cllr. Kirsty North (HCC).



There were no declarations of interest.



The minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2023 were proposed by Nigel Bull and seconded by Charles Haswell.  The minutes were then signed as a true record by the Chairman.



23/02008/FULLN Church View, Tangley – Conversation of outbuilding into new dwelling.

We understand from the applicants that all work done prior to this planning application comes under permitted development rights. Although this property is outside a settlement boundary and not in line with national planning policy, the building is an existing one, although not currently suitable for residential use. It is understood from the owners that the conversion is for their own use and on that basis the parish council have no objection to this application.


23/01717/FULLN – A planning application for change of use from B2 to B2/B5 (general industrial/storage) for the Sawmill in Penton Mewsey has been submitted.  Although this is outside our parish, we have submitted an objection regarding the number and size of vehicles accessing the site and light pollution.  The Chairman recently attended a Microsoft Teams meeting with the planning agent, Gary Hutchinson of Smith Jenkins, when he clearly expressed the parish’s concerns.  Steve Payne is the Planning Enforcement Officer at TVBC assigned to the application.  Comments by members of the public can be submitted direct to TVBC via their online planning portal.  A number of comments have already been submitted.





The Conholt Park restoration project is on-going and has led to a high number of large lorries coming down through Tangley and Hatherden.  They have mainly been ACS Agricultural Recycling vehicles.  The Chairman met with the new Conholt Estate Manager, Charlie Craven, who said he would talk to the construction teams and ask them to be mindful of the speed limits through our villages.  The Clerk will have a meeting with Charlie Craven in the coming weeks to obtain a schedule of how long the project will take to complete, but it is extensive.  Conholt Park will provide employment as a sporting and agricultural estate.


Regarding the recent accidents at Pill Heath, a request was made for a meeting with Mandy Ware, HCC Highways Safety Officer, concerning safety of the junction at Pill Heath. Mandy Ware passed the matter over to Peter Goodchild, who is the new Team Leader for Traffic West, and Mayur Patel, who is the Principal Engineer covering our area, but to date we have not heard back from either party.  Both The Clerk and Cllr Phil North have asked Mandy Ware again for a site meeting.  Cllr Kirsty North will also be involved as our HCC councillor.


The has been no update on the 20’s Plenty scheme from Cllr Kirsty North (HCC).


A letter has been circulated by C S Hunt & Son regarding the temporary closure of Mays Down Lane from the junction with the A343 to 70m west of the Newbury Road.  This is to facilitate the construction of the new access for the Doles Farm Grain Store.  The road will temporarily be closed from 18/9/23 to 9/10/23 and the diversion route is Mays Down Lane, Hatherden Road, Charlton, Goch Way, Saxon Way and the A343 Newbury Road.  It is hoped that traffic won’t divert up through Wildhern to Pill Heath to access the A343.



The footpath clearing day will be on Saturday, 7 October 2023. The Clerk has received a couple of offers of help from parishioners to clear footpaths.  If everybody who is willing to help could meet at the village hall at 10am on the day with secateurs, saws, etc. then we can allocate specific paths to volunteers.  If parishioners are aware of any paths which are particularly overgrown, please contact the clerk at


The fingerpost for Footpath 13 going into Conholt from Holt Lane has been hit by something and the post has split at the top.  Brian Comley has kindly made a temporary repair.



Replacement pad packs were ordered for all 5 of the LifePack AEDs in line with the guidance that they only have a 2-year lifespan.  However, when Brian Comley went to replace the packs he noticed that they were all showing an expiry date of June 2024.  Having spoken to the Defibstore it was explained that the packs have an approximate lifespan of 2-3 years and depending on when they are ordered and despatched during this lifespan you could have between 2 and 3 years usage.  Four of the packs have been returned for a refund.  One was used to replace a split pack at The Fox.  All 5 AEDs have been updated on The Circuit and padpacks will now be replaced next June.


A couple of the AED cabinets are leaking badly and getting rusty so will need to be replaced.



The Clerk prepared a bank reconciliation prior to the meeting and advised that the bank balance is £17,811.50 after all payments had been reconciled to the last statement.

£4,051.39 is held on behalf of the Sports Group leaving the PC funds at £13,760.11.



The following online bank payments were then proposed by Nigel Bull and seconded by Alex Raworth:


£1,916.60 HCC Legal Services re. purchase of land in The Close

£1,518.00 The Defib Store re. 5 x AED replacement PadPacks (refund less P&P)

£   916.86 Simon Nightingale re. SID Management

£       9.19 Clerk’s expenses – return of 5 x AED PadPacks

£   438.18 Clerks salary (August)

£     18.00 Hysons re. PAYE administration (August)



An Accessibility Statement and Publication Scheme under the FIO Act 2000 were both circulated prior to the meeting and both documents were formally adopted by the council.


A parish fundraiser is being planned for Saturday, 2 December at The Old Dairy to cover the cost of replacing the AED cabinets.


A D-Day Anniversary event will be held around the 6 June 2024 as the date falls on a Thursday.  The parish council will liaise with the village hall committee over the format.


The Close land purchase has progressed to the next stage of negotiations and the Heads of Terms have now been drafted by Aster and sent to Mr Tye’s solicitors for approval.  The removal of the green area in The Close from the public open space audit was discussed but it was agreed that nothing should change until the Heads of Terms have been agreed.  It is the hope that once the parish council acquire the land it will remain as public open space.


Jane Stewart is co-ordinating the Tangley Parish entry into the Britain in Bloom national competition in 2024.  Jane has volunteered to organise the scheme and is keen to involve as many residents as possible.  The cost of entry is £50 and Matt Nicol has very kindly said the The Fox Inn will sponsor the event by paying the entry fee.  The parish council are happy to support this idea and when a team has been put in place Jane will advise if funds are required for the scheme prior to our annual budget meeting in January.


The Hampshire Forest Partnership scheme to plant trees along highways is mainly outside our parish, apart from a small stretch on the A343, so we will not engage further in this.


The meeting closed at 20.03


The next meeting of Tangley Parish Council will take place on

Monday, 16 October 2023 at 7pm in the Parish Hall in Wildhern


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