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Parish Amenities

Village Hall

General information about the Hall in Tangley

For booking information and availability please use the link in the box to the right of this text or scroll down for a link to the village hall diary.

TO BOOK – Please e-mail:

OR use the form at the bottom of this page.

For emergencies only, please phone  07526 828783 and we will call you back as soon as possible

To view the booking calendar please use this link:

Hall Bookings Calendar


The Parish Coffee Morning is held on the first Thursday of every month from 10.30 –12pm

See below for groups who use the hall on a regular basis.

Tangley Parish Hall is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO reg. no. 1192948) and managed by the Village Hall Committee.  The Village Hall and Playing Field are owned by Tangley Parish Council.



The Hall is Licensed to hold:
180 Standing
– 100 Seated in Rows
–  94 Seated at Tables

The hall has a music system you can access via a jack with 2 large speakers




The kitchen measures 15′ x 11′ and  is equipped with a microwave, oven, hob and dishwasher.
There is sufficient crockery & cutlery for 96 place settings with glass and water jugs which can be used by hirers. Furniture includes 10 tables 6 x 2.6 seating 8, 6 square folding tables, 10 smaller rectangular tables and 100 red folding chairs suitable for use on the field or for children’s parties. There are also 60 upholstered chairs (which we ask are NOT used for childrens’ parties).

The Main Hall

The main hall measures 46′ x 20′ and has a 2-piece movable stage which measures 13’ wide x 6’ deep x 1’ high.  There is a fully integrated music system you can access via a jack with 2 large speakers.  The hall also has a loop system for the hard of hearing.

The Committee Room

The small committee room (18′ x 11′) off the main hall  has a hatch access to the kitchen and ideal for displaying and serving food at large parties.

There is parking for 20+ cars plus disabled parking spaces and wheelchair access to the hall. Extra car parking can be provided on request on the playing field. There are toilet facilities for disabled persons and a changing area for babies.

The new childrens playground is close to the hall and parking area and has picnic tables and benches.



A deposit is required at the time of booking which will be returned after your event if the hall is left as found. Hire of the hall includes use of the main hall, meeting room, kitchen and equipment, including some crockery and cutlery.   The hire rate includes lighting and heating.

Hirers are requested to leave the hall clean & tidy for the next hirer to enable the return of their deposit. All rubbish generated by the hirer must be put in the wheelie bin (if there is space, otherwise taken home) and a new bin liner inserted in the kitchen waste bin (liners in cupboard under sink in kitchen).

These facilities are also available for hire to Caravan Clubs and organizations for £10.00 per night per caravan and £6.00 per night per tent which reflects a group booking discount. Individual campervans can book to stay on the playing field at a rate of £12.50 per night.

During caravan rallies, please note that we cannot prevent access from the general public to the field and play area during periods when the field is being hired.  We therefore ask hirers and the general public to co-operate and respect each other’s use and enjoyment of the facilities. The income from hiring our facilities helps to fund the upkeep of the hall and the Management Committee would appreciate parishioners support in this matter.


Regular Groups

The Village Hall is the base for various clubs, societies and exercise classes:

  • Andover Amateur Radio Club who meet on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month.
    Please contact the Secretary:  Andy Cuthbertson – E-mail  or see

The Village Hall Management Committee welcomes new regular user groups and ideas for fundraising events, the money from which can be used to further enhance our facilities.


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